How do I unsubscribe (cancel my subscription)?

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  • Updated

If you want to cancel your subscription or free week trial, please follow the steps below to unsubscribe:

  • iOS

    If you purchased a Splice subscription on the App Store:

    1. Open Subscriptions on your mobile device
    2. Tap Splice
    3. Tap Cancel Subscription or Cancel Free Trial. If you see Your subscription will expire soon or Your subscription has expired, it's cancelled and won’t renew.

    ⚠️ We can’t perform the cancellation on your behalf as it’s Apple that manages your subscriptions and payments.

    ⚠️ Timely cancellation. If you signed up for a free trial subscription and you don't want to renew it, cancel it at least 24 hours before the trial ends. For further assistance on the account cancellation, we recommend you refer to Apple Support.

    ⚠️ Refunds. If you’re a paying user, unsubscribing doesn’t return the previously charged fees. For more information on the refunds, please refer to this article.  

    👉 If you can't find the subscription you want to cancel, follow these steps.


  • Web

    If you purchased your Splice subscription on our Site and want to edit, pause or cancel it:

    1. Visit the Manage Your Subscription page
    2. Log in with the email address you used to start your subscription
    3. Check your inbox—you’ll receive a unique, temporary link to manage your subscription
    4. Click on the link you received to easily update the status of your subscription and/or change your preferred payment methods
  • Android

    You're welcome to cancel your subscription on Google Play.

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