If you’re experiencing this, try out the following suggestions. If none of them solves the issue, no worries! You don’t need to report it. Rest assured, our team is already on top of it, working diligently to find a positive resolution. 🙌🏻
- Reboot your device.
- Update iOS and Splice to the most recent version.
- Verify the format of the content you’re trying to import. All pictures and videos in your camera roll and recorded with your device should be compatible with Splice. Pictures or videos added to your Photos via other means (for example, those received via WhatsApp or Airdrop) and those edited with other apps (for example, a different video editor) may not be recognized by Splice.
Check that all assets in the project are saved to your phone’s storage. Although assets saved to iCloud work with Splice, they might not be saved locally. If any of the project’s assets are saved on iCloud, try the following:
- Download your assets back to your device by manually opening them in your Camera Roll
- Turn off storage optimization on iCloud by following these steps: Settings > your name > iCloud > Photos > under iCloud Photos, select Download and Keep Originals
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